How we are fighting workplace abuse

Fired, just for being a mom

After Tasha had her baby, she was excited to return to work. That all changed when her boss fired her for pumping. 

Tasha came to Open Door Legal. With the help of our pro bono partners, Tasha was able to get a 6 figure settlement, a job reinstatement, and a promotion. She knows that she will never be targeted for being a mom again. 

The problem

Low-income employees are unable to enforce their workplace rights

Our solution

Provide all low-income people with an attorney, so that they are given fair treatment in the workplace

Low-income workers are being taken advantage of daily

According to researchers at the Economic Policy Institute, minimum wage workers lose an estimated 15 billion dollars annually in stolen wages. This amounts to about $3,300 lost per person – about one quarter of earned wages.¹ 

Billion dollars in wage theft per year


Of low-wage workers were not paid their full wages


Average percent of salary unpaid

Thousand dollars in unpaid earning per low wage worker

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